Vote for Common Sense. Vote for Leadership that Delivers!

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Thank you for allowing me to serve as your District 1 Escambia County Commissioner.  I have always approached this position from a common sense perspective, and I have always worked hard to deliver for this community.  We have had some big wins, we've got lots of projects in the pipeline, and we have much more to do.

So I'm humbly asking for your support again for District 1 County Commissioner in this election. I promise to continue to be a fierce, passionate, outspoken, dedicated and committed advocate for you all-- the residents and taxpayers of Escambia County and District 1 that I serve.  

With your support, we will laser focus on modernizing traffic and stormwater infrastructure, managing growth intelligently, prioritizing public safety, streamlining the governmental bureaucracy, never raising year over year millage rate taxes, diversifying our jobs base, improving our local economy and our local communities, and making Escambia County the best it can be! 

Thank you!

Very Respectfully,
Jeff Bergosh

For additional insight into my leadership style, vision, and opinions on a host of subjects and topics-- please check out my 15 years-long, well-established blog at )


-Master of Science in Public Administration, University of West Florida, Pensacola Florida
-Bachelor of Arts, San Diego State University, San Diego California
-Associate of Arts, Grossmont College, El Cajon, California
-High School Diploma, Pensacola High School, Pensacola, Florida


-Escambia County Commissioner, District 1, 2016 -present
-Escambia County School Board Member, District 1 -10 years
-Work Control/Quality Assurance Management- 22 years
-General Business Management- 26 years
-Successful Small Business Owner, Manager, and Operator - 18 years
-Facilities Management/Commercial property management- 24 years
-Retail/customer service/– 30+ years

Leadership Experience, Community Service Affiliations, and Supported Causes (Current and Past):

Testimonials: What Do Citizens and Leaders in the Public and Private Sector Say about Jeff Bergosh's Past Performance?

"In the August 20, 2024 primary election for District 1 Escambia County Commissioner, I support Jeff Bergosh. Jeff works hard, gets things done, and speaks his mind. He is intelligent, he studies the issues, and he is decisive. He gets involved in our community by mentoring at-risk students and serving 14 years on the Pensacola Chamber's Military Affairs Committee. He has actively served on dozens of boards locally over the last two decades--and his work and leadership on the state's Department of Transportation as the past chairman ot the Transportation Planning Organization is now paying dividends as hundreds of millions of dollars in state funding has come to Escambia County--much of it in District 1--and some more very large appropriations are in the pipeline, headed our way. Jeff actively follows important state issues working through the legislature and we have communicated on several bills during the legislative session in real time. I hope you'll join me in support of Jeff Bergosh for Escambia County Commissioner District 1 on August 20th"
--Michelle Salzman, Republican,
Florida State Representative for District 1

"We had a situation where several houses in our neighborhood, [Floridian off of Blue Angel Pkwy], including our own house, were having our backyards fall into a state runoff ditch.  Half of our backyard got swallowed up by this ditch We called everyone we could think of, and nobody could get us help for this situation that was hazardous for our children.  We contacted Commissioner Bergosh and he came out, made multiple visits to our neighborhood, brought county staff, and ultimately was able to get a solution.  He got us funding and a construction contract to get all of our backyards fixed and our yards restored.  Nobody else could get it done for years, but Jeff DID get it done for us--- we support Jeff 100% in this election!"

Vinnie and Zoey Dichristopher,  Escambia County Voters, 2024

Paulette Harrell--District 1 Citizen
“My son Charles was killed while walking along the streets of our community. He was hit and struck because there was no safe place for him to walk. I reached out to Commissioner Bergosh and asked for his help in getting sidewalks in my neighborhood and he listened. He worked with staff found the funding and did what he said he would do and now we have sidewalks in our neighborhood. He was a man of his word, unlike some who talk a lot, but do very little, Commissioner Bergosh got the job done. I can never bring back my son, but because we now have sidewalks, I feel heartened because we have made our area safer for all the other children who walk along our roadways every day. I’m very appreciative that Mr. Bergosh listened and actually accomplished this for our community”

"Jeff Bergosh is a leader with fortitude and he is not afraid to tell the truth--even when it is not popular.  He understands governance, infrastructure, and leadership.  He also knows growth and economic development and how important these things are to a thriving economy.  He represents his constituents with distinction- and he greatly assisted in the team effort to bring millions of dollars to Pensacola and Escambia County for high-tech jobs at the Pensacola Airport.  His assistance was vital and our community is better for it.  Jeff is the right man to represent District 1 on the Escambia Board of County Commissioners"
Mayor Ashton J. Hayward (Pensacola Mayor 2011-2019)


"The Northwest Chapter of the Florida Police Benevolent Association, Inc. is proud to inform you of our endorsement of your candidacy for the office of County Commissioner of Escambia County District 1.  We are proud to endorse you after careful consideration by our political screening board..We will ask all of our members, their friends and family.--and all citizens who love and respect law enforcement, to cast their ballot in support of your candidacy"

James Newton, President, Northwest Chapter of the Florida Police Benevolent Association
July, 2020

"Jeff Bergosh supports and has worked hard for the volunteer firefighters in Beulah at ECFR Station 2.  He said he would get us better equipment, and he did.  He said he would get us funding for a modern fire station--and he did.  Jeff Bergosh follows through on his pledges-and he does what he says he will do.  In this election for County Commissioner, District 1, we are supporting Jeff Bergosh because he gets things done!"

--Beau Rodrique.  Beulah Resident,  Asst. Volunteer Fire Chief, and 20-year volunteer fireman at Beulah's Station 2 

Leadership that Delivers: A Huge Track Record of Accomplishments for District 1!

 Below are listed some of the many initiatives, projects, and policies for which I've advocated that have been accomplished over the last nearly 16 years that I have served you as your County Commissioner and previously as your School Board representative-initiatives that have made us better, stronger, more efficient, and more transparent as a community:

--I have never voted to increase your property tax rates--I voted against raising millage rates when pressed to do so by others in politics locally--and as a locally elected representative in District 1 over the last 16 years  I have NEVER voted to increase year over year millage tax rates on local property owners--and I NEVER will.  I believe governments must live within their means just as citizens, families and taxpayers do,  and that the simple answer, knee-jerk solution to a budget shortfall cannot always be to raise the rates on existing taxpayers to plug the hole.  When budget shortfalls occur, everyone must cut their spending.  To include local governments, counties, school districts and the state.

--We have completed $Millions of Dollars in quality of life, infrastructure, public safety, and economic development  projects in District 1 over the last 6 years--with many more coming!
     -- $3.6 Million allocated from Oil Spill funds for purchase of more beach access property for public          use in Perdido Key.  Contract is forthcoming    
     --District 1's first Public Library in Bellview--funded, built, and opened 2022
     --New 300 feet Gulf of Mexico Beach Access point at Perdido Key in District 1
     --New $4.5 Million Beulah Fire Station funded, designed, awarded and under construction, completion in March 2024.
     --New Bauer Road Fire station planned for construction late 2023 (land acquisition in process, equipment purchased, and engineering studies underway) 
     --Restrooms at Beulah Park--completed
     --Traffic Light at Beulah Road and Mobile Hwy--completed
     --Mitchell Avenue Sidewalks in Avondale--completed
     --Dog Track road sidewalks, completed
     --Saufley Field road sidewalks, under construction 2023
     --Drainage improvements and Sidewalks project on Merlin Road--completed
     --$7 Million Roadway Modernization and sidewalk addition for Longleaf Drive from Pine Forest Road to Wymart Road-under construction completion September 2024
     --New, $6 Million Boat Ramp and park facility on 39 acres at lower Perdido Bay--funded and under construction 2023 completion March 2024.
     --$1.5 Million in D1 Restore Act funds utilized to help bring the $230 Million ST Engineering Aerospace Expansion to Escambia County--with over 1700 good paying jobs!
     --Acquisition of OLF 8 in Beulah to be utilized to create mixed use development and amenities for the community and the county + an additional 300 jobs at NFCU paying an average wage approaching $50K yearly
     --Voted to economize County Transportation by negotiating the function to become an in-house department-saving County taxpayers millions of dollars.
     --Turn lane at Woodside avenue-completed
     --Modernization and Upgrade of Frank Reeder Road--funded and in design 2023
     --Hwy 98 Resurfacing and Safety Improvements from Blue Angel to the Alabama State Line--completed (state funded)
     --4-lane and sidewalks from Exit 5 in Beulah to Beulah Road--funded and completed (state funded)
     -- Upgrades to the Bellview Ball park, including a new score board and renovated baseball and softball fields--completed
     -- Drafted and presented to the BCC  the ordinance establishing the NW District 1 advisory committee--ordinance passed in 2018 and the committee was selected and seated in 2019.  This 9-member committee will assist D1 with the drafting of an overlay district or a master plan to help more intelligently guide development in the greater Beulah area (precincts 43, 5, and 68)
    --$300K in Restore Act funding submitted for the cost of the Beulah area master plan or overlay plan

About Me

My photo
I’m the former D1 Commissioner on the Escambia BCC, elected in Nov. 2016; re-elected on Aug. 2020. I was previously the school board member for the same district, elected in November of 2006 and re-elected in 2010 & 2014. I’m currently the Business Development Manager for ESA South, Inc., a Pensacola-based general contracting firm working Federal projects nationwide (CA, TX, HI, IN, SC, USVI, FL)—and aboard NAS Pensacola for 2023-2024. I also host my own radio program "The Wake Up Call with Jeff Bergosh" on WPNN 103.7 in Pensacola. For the last 18 years I’ve worked for several firms supporting NAS Pensacola, to include: Information Network Systems, Lockheed Martin Information Technology Services, CH2MHill/VT Griffin, Irby Engineering & Construction, and Erica Lane Enterprises. I’m a 1986 Graduate of Pensacola High School; I have a BA from San Diego State University and I hold a Master of Science in Public Administration from the University of West Florida. My wife Sally and I have three children, Tori, Nick, and Brandon. I'm a long-term resident of Escambia County and recently (as of 11-19-24) a full-time resident of Pensacola Beach.